Redefining Expectations About Careers in Health
Are you thinking about starting a health-related career? Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity to pump up your resume?
You have arrived at the right place!
R.E.A.C.H. is a volunteer experience sponsored by Clinica Sierra Vista at the Rio Bravo Family Medicine Residency Program that provides college-age students with interest in a health-related career with the opportunity to shadow, volunteer, and to be mentored by Family Medicine residents in an ambulatory clinic setting.
During 12 weeks, you will gain exposure to the medical field through Front Desk/ Referrals Desk Rotation, Medical Assistant Shadowing Rotation, and Resident Shadowing Rotations. You will receive didactic lectures on common diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and addictions. Lectures include a public health component and discussion of health care disparities, often encountered first hand in the clinic. You will be taught some basic clinical skills during didactic sessions.
The students prepare a short case presentation about a patient they have seen while working in the clinic. A certificate of completion is provided at the end of the experience.
Program Contacts
East Niles Community Health Center
7800 Niles Street, Bakersfield, CA 93306